Welcome to this weeks post and Happy Palm Sunday! I’m Patrick (Grace’s husband ) writing this week’s encouragement. Hopefully Grace will be back soon.
Today is the begin of Holy Week. It is a week where Christians remember and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Today, on Palm Sunday, is the anniversary of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is an event recorded in the Gospels.
In Luke 19:28-40 is where we find the story. At the end of the story Jesus is asked by the Pharisees to rebuke His disciples for all of the loud praises they are giving to him. Jesus responds to the Pharisees by telling them that if they were quiet that the rocks would cry out in there place.
Every day Jesus is worthy of praise but this week in particular Jesus deserves all the praise.
As we go into Holy Week, don’t let a rock cry out in your place because you stayed silent. Remember what this week is all about and make sure to give Jesus all the praise He deserves.
Take some time everyday this week to reflect on Christ’s road to the cross.
Invite a friend to Easter Service this coming Sunday