Lord, please help us finish 2021 well, so that we will have a great start to 2022

Hello friend and welcome back to the last post for the year 2021!
If you have been faithfully reading this blog and following along on this journey with me from the beginning of the year, I just want to express my heart-felt gratitude.🙏🏾 Without God's help and your prayers and faithfulness, this blog wouldn't be a success; so thank you for your love, prayers and participation.
With all of that in mind, let me share with you a post I feel compelled to share as the year comes to a close in a devotional titled, "Ending Well to Begin Well."
Depending on the individual you ask, 2021 was either great or not so much. However, the common theme I’ve gotten from people so far is that the year went by fast. Chances are, you’ll probably agree with that too.
However, the question I have today is: how do I navigate through the next few days to close the year? Or the next few months as we begin the new year?
The simply and short answer to this question is in my title - you have to end well to begin well. And to do this, here are 3 lessons I’ve learned so far this year that I hope will become an inspiration to you as you strive to end 2021 well and begin 2022 well.
You have to let go before you can get more
You may have read that and wondered if it was an oxymoron, but its not. One of the biggest lessons I learned earlier this year is that sometimes we carry too much baggage. A lot of us have painful stories/situations/circumstance... about the past that we carry and will repeat to anyone listening. Well, God is saying it’s time to let go of that story so He can help you write a happier one. Or perhaps if it’s a material thing (of sentimental value) that your clutching tightly and He is still saying 'it's time to let it go'.
Back in early spring this year, we felt the Lord leading us to move from our current home. This wasn't an easy decision, because on one hand, my husband and I truly wanted to obey God, but on the other hand, we weren’t willing to part ways with the property. It was during this time that we learned that sometimes you have to let go before you can get more.
Friend, guess what? God has remained true and we are now in a bigger and better space. And this is something that wouldn't have been possibly for us, had we not let go of the old property.
What are you holding on to that needs to be let go?
2. Make giving a priority in order to receive more
This second one can be somewhat controversial, because giving shouldn't be with the intention of only getting something back. Giving should simply be to obey God.
Now, the worldly mindset will probably think that order to get more, they need to keep more; but that is a lie/deception straight from hell. There are blessings in giving and until you learn this, the devil will always try to get the upper hand. Friend, look for ways, places and people to sow in/give to. Like I've mentioned before, giving isn’t always financial; sometimes it’s time and effort; or kindness and encouragement (I hope you get the idea)….You can insert what ever God deals with your heart to do.
3. The quicker you forgive, the more at peace you will be.
Even though all three lessons have been very valuable to me this year, this one is perhaps the top one on my list currently. With all that’s happening in the world, I can’t think of a more precious attribute to have than peace. Peace is contentment through any circumstance regardless of your position or the expected outcome.
As easy as it was to read that definition, truth is peace doesn't come that easy. However, my simple advice to get peace is: Forgiveness.
Sometimes forgiveness doesn't always need to be done for others. In fact, most of the time its for us. Perhaps you are your own worst critic; or maybe you have poor self image, or perhaps it is body dysmorphia, what ever it is, friend, don't be so hard on yourself and definitely don't waste time harboring grudge because of things others have done to you. Forgive and let God bring you peace.
Hebrews 12:1-2 states: “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” [KJV]
Friend, if you caught a theme with the 3 lessons, I hope it's this: leave all the things that are hinderances and weights behind you so that you can end the year well and choose to pick up godly habits so you can begin the new year well and also have a happier and healthier life.
Stay Blessed
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