“And he said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2nd Cor 12: 9

Hello Everyone, as the guest writer on this week’s devotional I would briefly love to share with you something the Lord laid on my heart. This is also something I believe we all can relate to. With that said, the title of this post is JOY THROUGH PAIN.
The words joy and pain are commonly associated together but I figured we can all hopefully learn something from these. I looked up the definition of both terms from the Oxford dictionary. Joy was simply defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Pain on the other hand was described as highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury.
Notice the paradox between the two. Whilst one seems evidently pleasant and brings happiness the other brings the direct opposite. Back to our text, if you notice, the apostle Paul wrote about the same paradox... “For my STRENGTH is made perfect in WEAKNESS...”
Strength and weakness are often parallel to each other yet in this case they are both
complementing to one another.
It was never disclosed to us what Paul’s pain in this case was, but I believe it was tough enough for him to pray that God would take it away. Upon realizing God’s grace was still with him regardless of his suffering, he willingly accepted knowing that this “infirmity” was meant to produce character.
Let’s be honest pain isn’t something that anyone will wish on themselves willingly. In fact it is
something that if we all knew we could avoid; it would never happen to us. But there are reasons as to why we go through it.
I'm reminded of the story of Mary and Martha who both were grief stricken by losing someone dear (Lazarus). They had called on Jesus to come and pray for a sick Lazarus, but he never came till Lazarus had passed away. His reasoning for that one might ask? “When Jesus heard that, he said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” (John 11:4).
This whole painful situation played out so that something good can come out of it- Lazarus being brought back to life was reason to stir up faith not only in those that were present but
for all who heard subsequently.
Sometimes the pain serves as a lesson through which when we finally experience Joy, we’ll definitely know how to be grateful for it.
2020 has been an unusually painful year that has stretched so many people farther than they thought they would go, and sometimes it is so easy for us to just wish the pain away rather than deal with it. We wish the year to end thinking a new one would bring better possibilities.
I for one have a very low tolerance for pain thus I try to avoid situations leading to it by
all cost. One thing I'm learning is that without pain and that ability to feel we become numb. This then becomes a very dangerous place to be in; especially as Christians. If we become numb, we become dead, cold and ungrateful to everything that happens around us.
Imagine if you never experienced hurt or betrayal, how will you learn to forgive? Or ever felt the pain of grief; how can you offer comfort for others? There's always purpose behind pain and we as Christians daily have to ask God to help us with grace and patience to go through it realizing that Joy can come out of it.
Interesting enough, most of the positive character traits we end up developing in life, characteristics such as Patience, Kindness, Honesty, Thankfulness all comes from some painful experience.
As we are in a season dedicated to being thankful, it might not be something big or extraordinary. For all we know, you just might be in the most painful period of your life. But I
urge you today, throughout this week and the remainder of this year to find Joy in the midst of that pain knowing that he is working everything out for your Good.
Dear God, thank you for opening my heart to your word. I thank you for having being with me from the start of this year until now. I know so many things haven’t panned out the way I might’ve wanted them to, but I'm thankful for that GRACE that you’ve provided for me to keep going. I commit everything into your hands. Today I'm grateful and I'm thankful that even in the midst of pain I could feel. I could feel your love, strength and peace oh so near.
Thank you for promising to always be by my side regardless of everything that’s happening to and around me. I pray you help me continue to find Joy even in the little things as well as the big ones. Help me live this life in the way you have called me to. I know you’ve heard me and you’ll answer. In your mighty name I pray. Amen.