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  • Writer's pictureGracie Berney

Lessons from James P.III

This too will pass

Hi friend and welcome back to the blog. This week we will continue in James and focus on a few more verses in chapter 1.

‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬-‭12Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”

‬ ‭[ESV‬‬]

For a while, I had a love-hate relationship with fresh cut flowers. I loved the beauty, color and femininity they bring to a space. But I also hated how temporary that beauty is. In fact, it’s only in the last year or so that I’ve come to realize that the temporary nature is what keeps the flowers coming back.

Once a flower seed is planted and germinates, it will eventually bloom. The blooms eventually wither and the flowers die so we can get more seeds. The seed are planted again and the cycle continues. You see? Nothing is permanent.

Like so many great authors of this Bible, James tries to get us to see this analogy about the temporal nature of things in this life.

He mentions riches and humiliation… as all things that are temporary and will pass away.

To a non-Christian, this might sound devastating; but to a child of God this should bring us comfort.

As beautiful as my hydrangea blooms are right now, I know they’re only for a season and will eventually die. But I also know that they will be back next year.

What is your current situation? And do you feel like things will never change?

James encourages us to remain steadfast. I cannot emphasize this word enough especially in the day and age we live. With so much uncertainty, confusion and pain, our only hope is to remain steadfast in our walk with God so that one day we will receive the crown of life promised.

So as I close this post, I’d like to remind you of this simple phrase ‘this too shall pass’.

Whatever it is that you’re chasing towards, away from will eventually pass.

Let’s Pray..

Dear God, thank you for the reminder from James that life is full of seasons which are constantly changing and never truly last. Please help us to hold steadfast to what’s true. Give us the courage and strength to pursue things of eternal value and to let go of those that will fade away with this world. In Jesus name. Amen.

Image credit: Wix

Editor: PRB



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