Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3

Image credit: Unsplash
Hello friends and family, welcome back to another devotional/post.
As a writer, you are always looking for inspiration, but the best inspiration is the one that comes without you looking for it.
A dear friend of the family sent me a short video this week of a little girl talking about how we as Christians need to rely more on God and not be afraid during this pandemic. Then, a few days later, I was listening to one of my favorite preachers talk about comfort during rough times; and after listening to both people, the one word that came to my mind both times was peace.
Since, I don't believe in coincidences, I started taking notes as I believed the Lord was trying to inspire this week's post. So, my prayer today is that this blog post is an encouragement to someone.
The word peace is not an unfamiliar term to many of us. In fact, 2020 has either revealed whether we have peace or do not have it. However, as we go through this Christmas season (a time current culture has reduced to a commercialized present giving holiday), and reflect on all we have overcome or still going through, I would like us to consider this word again - Peace.
According to the dictionary, peace is defined as "a state of tranquility or quiet: such as: freedom from civil disturbance; a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom.
Isaiah 43:1-3 gives some timely reminder of God's peace in the midst of our situations. The New King James Version writes the verses like this: "But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place."
Now, as we unpack the truths listed in these verses, we can clearly see the word Peace being highlighted in the various scenarios presented in the verses.
If we apply the verses to us personally, verse 1 is encouraging us to not fear because we have been redeemed and belong to Jesus. He knows our name!
I can't even begin to tell you what those words have meant to me especially in times when people have treated me poorly because of their mindset or wrong opinions. But I also know that this is not unique to just me. Some [if not all] of you have at least dozen or more stories of times you felt unknown, unnoticed, or perhaps just treated poorly because of your background, standards or status.
However, its humbling and peaceful to know that the God who created the entire universe is telling you to not be afraid and that you belong to Him! That's powerful!
Verse 2 mentions quickly reminds us of the fact that a pain free/stress-free/ worry-free life is not guaranteed. In fact, it alludes to the fact that there will be waters [or flood] and fires; but the promise is that the Lord will be there with us. Waters and fires can be interpreted as literal flooding and fire damage, but can also be interpreted as going through rough roads and encountering painful situations in life that might drown us or even burn us. However, the real comfort is that the Lord will be with us in spite of what ever happens. Talk about real peace...
As children of God, some of us have been mislead to believe that Christians do not have to suffer or go through hard times; simply because, its God's will for us to prosper and enjoy. While the later part of the above statement is true, the first part couldn't be any further from the truth.
God did not promise us a pain free life. What He promised is that He will be there with us. Having the belief that God will be there, in spite of the pain or suffering we are going through is where His peace begins.
This week, I implore you to take some time to reflect on some of the challenges/struggles you faced this year; how did you handle them? Did you feel God's peace?
Remember, just because we are ending this year and going into a new one doesn't mean challenges will end. In fact, 2021 is not promised to be a great year, although we can all hope. So, perhaps, our prayer need to be focused on asking God for more of His peace. That way, in spite of what challenges we may/may not face, our faith will remain strong because we can rely on His peace.
Christ came to this earth not only to reconcile man back to God, but that we all would have His peace in our hearts. His Peace, which is a true peace, can only come by having faith and trust in Jesus.
Quick Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for your reminder about God's peace. I'm sorry for all the times I did not rely on it this year. I'm sorry for the times I let doubt, anxiety, fear or stress take control. Please help me to trust you, to rely on you and above all to rest in your peace; knowing that you are in absolute control of all the circumstances around my life. Let your light shine through me so that the world can see this peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Stay Blessed