Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Hi friend, Happy Resurrection week/day! Welcome to another blog post.
This week, I just want to share with you all three reminders about what this week reminds us about. I trust that you have a personal relationship with Jesus and that these reminders are indeed just that.
However, if you don't have a relationship with Jesus, you can too. All you need to do is confess of your sins and ask Jesus to into your heart. Then begin to read the Bible, find a Bible believing Church and live to please Christ. That's it.
So back to the post, I grew up in a Christian home and the first time I remember getting saved was at age 7. My mother shared the story of Nicodemus and my brother and I gave our life to Christ right before we went to bed that night.
However, through the years that followed that conversion, I've had moments where I had to go back to the altar and acknowledge failures and shortcomings. But I'm thankful that the death and resurrection of Christ has kept my faith alive through it all.
So as we celebrate the reason for our salvation and hope in eternity, here are three reminders about the where our assurance lies.
The Resurrection reminds us about the Power of Jesus
A couple weeks ago, I encountered a man who was asking a lot of questions about why I chose to become a Christian. One of the things that stuck out to me was his skepticism to believe that Jesus wasn't like any other prophet. He kept asking me, how do you know for sure that your religion is real? My response was: the death and resurrection of Christ is what gives that assurance.
He then took it one step further and asked: How do you know that the resurrection of Christ is real? I didn't have more than a few minutes to chat with this guy because I was working; so I told him how I knew that the resurrection of Christ is real because of the power of Jesus. In addition, I mentioned how only He can transform a messed up life into a holy, consecrated one.
I wish I can tell you that the man got saved there and then; but what I can tell you is that he did promise to think about our brief conversation.
Mark 16:1-8 gives us the account of the Resurrection. Vs 6 states: "And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him".
I have never read about any other prophet who rose from the dead other than Jesus. But this is what makes Him truly powerful! And this is one of the things Easter reminds us of.
2. The Resurrection reminds us about the Love of Jesus
How many of us would die for a friend; let alone a stranger? Add pain and suffering to that death as well. Well, that's exactly what Christ did; all because of love!
This type of love doesn't end when we ask Him into our hearts, it is still present to see us through some of the most roughest or tender times of life.
The past year has been difficult for me in more ways than one (and I'm not just talking about the pandemic). However, I have felt the love of Christ more than I could ever imagine. And as we all celebrate Easter this week and even beyond Easter, I want us to be reminded about the love of Jesus that is always present.
John 15:13 states "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
His love is the greatest love you will ever experience.
3. The Resurrection reminds us about the Return of Jesus
As we all know, death is a part of this life; but as children of God, we have hope beyond this life and certainly know that Jesus will return again someday. His resurrection reminds us that He has power over death.
The resurrection of Christ was simple yet it is one of the most phenomenal, complex and powerful event that history records. Because of it, we as Christians have a hope in Jesus.
Paul wrote in Philippians 3:10 "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;" Paul was willing to experience pain and suffering because of the power of Christ's resurrection. It made that much of a difference in His life.
What does the resurrection mean to you? How has it changed your life?
Look for ways to share about the resurrection of Christ.
Happy Easter
Stay Blessed
Image credit: Unsplash