"Draw me closer to you Lord; so close that I can hear and feel your heart beat."
Hi friend. Welcome back to another post.
If you have been following this blog for the past couple months, then you know that I like to try and do a reflective post every month or after every four posts. Part of the reason for that is because it's nice to pause and reflect on all God is/has been saying. Too often, we assimilate so much information, but it doesn't affect us like it should. I believe one of the reasons for that is we don't take the time to process what we receive. So, it is my prayer that you are able to find some time this week to just sit and relax with Jesus. Take some time to think about the things He has been speaking to you through the devotional posts. Feel free to write down new things He may be saying as well.
Let's start with the first post in the last four week:
As of today (Sunday April 11), you have lived through 100 days in 2021. How have you become a world changer? Or in what ways do you feel like God is leading you to become a world changer?
How have you touched your part of the world/community/Church/workplace? If not, what's holding you back?
Do something special for a stranger this week.
The title image on this post was trying to demonstrate highs and lows and everything in-between. What are some highs, lows and in-between moments you have had this past month?
How have you taken a step of faith in obeying God and becoming a world changer? Remember Mordecai told Queen Esther that if she held back, God would provide deliverance for the Jewish people from someone else.
In what ways have you seen God move through you?
Since we were celebrating Easter, the last couple posts have been centered around the theme of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem along with His death, burial and resurrection.
Read and meditate on Mark 11:7-11.
"And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it, and he sat on it. And many spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread leafy branches that they had cut from the fields. And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” And he entered Jerusalem and went into the temple. And when he had looked around at everything, as it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve."
Did you notice the last sentence? Why do you think Jesus looked around at everything?
Could it be that He was taking in one last image of what the temple looked like before His death would change everything?
What did you think about the three resurrection reminders? How are they evident in your life?
What steps are you taking in order to get to know God more this week? (Philip 3:10)
With all the signs of the last days, how are you preparing yourself for Jesus' return?
One of the most valuable things I've discovered is this: a time spent with Jesus is never a waste of time. A lot of times, we get caught up in busy schedules and crazy work hours, we neglect to feed our spiritual lives. The questions and suggestions are just things from my personal reading (of the post) and meditating on God's Word.
However, God has a Word for all of us. So it is my prayer that as you go through these posts and you glean things that He speaks directly to you.
Have a Blessed week!
Image credit: Wix